The breakfast of champions: preferably in a thick stack, with syrup As you know, your Orange Baker is Dutch. We pride ourselves on having amazing sweet and savory pancakes. On my trips to the USA, and even more so, when I moved here, I got introduced to the American-style pancakes.…
Adding complexity in taste with something as easy as a starter The first time I made this bread I was sold. As a European, I have had my share of French, Italian and German breads, made based on sourdough, biga, sponge or poolish. It adds a lot of flavor and…
Crunchy from the outside but soft on the inside: a standard at any German weekend breakfast. One of my friends has sent me a German blog, filled with recipes for German breads and bread rolls. And much to my delight, I found the recipe for “Knüsperbrötchen” on that blog. Anyone who…