One of the most iconic, famous and tasteful breads from your own kitchen Baguette, flute, pain –all words for the wonderful, French long bread with a crispy crust and a wonderfully soft, crumbly inside, with large holes and beautiful taste. It gets stale quickly, so bake and eat, and repeat. ...
Adding complexity in taste with something as easy as a starter The first time I made this bread I was sold. As a European, I have had my share of French, Italian and German breads, made based on sourdough, biga, sponge or poolish. It adds a lot of flavor and texture, and it is super-easy to make. ...
Crunchy from the outside but soft on the inside: a standard at any German weekend breakfast. One of my friends has sent me a German blog, filled with recipes for German breads and bread rolls. And much to my delight, I found the recipe for “Knüsperbrötchen” on that blog. Anyone who has even been in Germany, Austria or Switzerland has more ...
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!